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ABSTRACT Several studies have been done on the estimation ofstature from the foot length in many countries, Such reports however, are quite few in Nigeria in general and in southeastern Nigeria in particular. Therefore, this study was conducted to add to the existing body of literature on the subject. The aim of this study was to estimate stature from foot length among students of the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). It was a descriptive and a cross-sectional study conducted amongstudents from the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC) who were between the ages of 16-26 years. The sample size comprised of 184 subjects (92 males and 92 females). Stature was measured in standing erect in anatomical position with standing height measuring instrument (stadiometer). The subject was instructed to stand barefooted on the ground with both feet in close contact with each other, trunk braced along the vertical board and head oriented in Frankfort horizontal plane. The measurement was taken in centimeters by bringing the horizontal sliding bar to the vertex. The foot length was measured from the most prominent part of the heel backwards (pternion) to the most distal part of the longest toe (the acropodian).The measurement was made on a standing subject. The caliper was horizontally placed along the medial boarder of the foot. The fixed part of the outer jaw of the caliper was applied to the pternion and the mobile part of the outer jaw will be applied to the acropodian and measurement will be taken. In the same way measurement of the other foot will be taken. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 23 (IBM Computers USA) ANOVA was used to test for significant difference. The differences was accepted as significant when p<0.05. Association of parameters was assessed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). A Bivariate Regression model was fitted to estimate stature from foot length. This study showed the mean stature and foot length for males to be 177.5 ± 7.1 cm and 27.2+-1.1 cm while in females it was 166.2 ± 5.3 cm and 24.7+-1.1. This differences between males and females in stature and foot length were statistically significant. The present study has established definite correlation between stature and foot?length and also regression equations have been established. It will help in medico-legal cases in establishing identity of an individual when only some remains of the body especially the feet are found as in mass disasters, bomb explosions, accidents etc. If either of the measurement (foot length or total stature) is known, the other can be calculated and this would be useful in the footwear industry and also for Anthropologists and Forensic Medicine experts in Nigeria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page............................................................... I Certification ..........................................................II Declaration ...........................................................III Dedication.............................................................IV Acknowledgements...............................................V Table of Contents................................................VI List of Tables .........................................,............IX List of Figures...................................................................X Abstract ................................................................XI CHAPTER ONE Introduction............................................................1 1.1 Background of the Study ...............................1 1.2 Statement of the Problem...............................4 1.3 Research Questions........................................4 1.4 Research Hypothesis:....................................4 1.7 Significance of the Study:...............................5 1.8 Scope of the Study: ........................................5 CHAPTER TWO Literature Review.................................................6 2.1 Stature ..........................................................6 2.1.1 Stature Estimation.....................................6 2.2 Gross Anatomy of the Foot.............................7 2.2.1 Bones of the Foot......................................8 2.2.2 Joints of the Foot ....................................12 2.2.3 Ligaments of the Foot.............................14 2.2.4 Muscles of the Foot..................................19 2.2.5 Arches of the Foot.....................................30 2.2.6 Blood Supply to the Foot ...........................35 2.2.7 Venous Drainage of the Foot ....................38 2.2.8 Nerve Supply to the Foot ..........................39 2.3 Foot Length And Stature Estimation: Review of Literature.........................43 CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology .....................................45 3.1 Research Design:.........................................45 3.2 Population of the Study:................................45 3.3 Sample Size:.......................................... .....45 3.4 Instrument for Data Collection ....................46 3.5 Sampling Technique ....................................47 3.6 Data Analysis Method: ...............................50 CHAPTER FOUR Results.................................................................51 4.1 Data Presentation And Analysis .................51 CHAPTER FIVE Discussion, Conclusion And Recommendations....................... .....................56 5.1 Discussion ...........................................................................56 References...........................................................60 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the practice of forensic sciences, establishing the identity of the dead is the starting point for experts in this field. The scope of forensic anthropology is building the biological profile of an individual from skeletal remains. This process involves the establishment of what is sometimes referred to as the “big four” which include stature, age, ancestry and sex (Narde A .L &Dongre A.P, 2013).Stature is the height of a person in the upright posture. Determination of stature of a person plays an important role in identification of a person which is necessary in criminal cases and as well as in mass disasters where only a portion or a part of body may be seen ( Harsh V & Naval K P,2016). Stature is an important measure of physical identity. Relationship that exists between different parts of the body and height has been of great interest to anthropologists, anatomists and scientists. This is because of increase in the number of catastrophic events causing mass deaths which requires the identification of victims from dismembered human remains ( Harsh V & Naval K P,2016). Anatomically and functionally the zones of the foot are: the hind-foot (calcaneus and talus), the mid-foot (navicular, cuboid, and three cuneiforms), and the forefoot (five metatarsals and fourteen phalanges(Moore KL, Dally AF, Agur AM, 2013) . The characteristics of these bones and its landmarks are necessary for understanding the structure of the foot and foot anthropometry. The foot provides a platform for supporting the body when standing and has an important role in locomotion/propulsion (Biswa SK, 2013). Its dimensions/measurements are important tool in prosthetic designs, fabrications and fittings and its application in height estimation is continually being investigated. Its reliability on the prediction of height has been reported to be as high as that from long bones (Ekezie J, 2013). Foot length reflects the internal structure of feet, they can yield the information about the size and shape of the bones in the feet (Ekezie J, 2013). The personal identification from foot length becomes more important in case of mass disasters, where there is always likelihood of recovering feet often enclosed in shoes, separated from the body. Examination of skeletal remains recovered from a scene of accident had often been used by the forensic anthropologists to extract relevant information about the victim. Stature estimation by measurements of various long bones has been carried out by several workers with variable degree of success (Alabiet al., 2017). Each worker has derived his or her own formula for calculating the stature from long bones.Ossification and maturation in the foot starts earlier than the long bones. Thus, during adolescence height could be more accurately predicted from foot measurement as compared to that from long bones (Sreya M. et al., 2017). Several studies have been done on the estimation of stature from the foot length in many countries; in Nepal, a work was carried out on the “Estimation of Stature from Foot Length in Adult Nepalese Population and its Clinical Relevance”. In India a work was carried out on the “Correlation of Human Height with Foot length in Indian Individuals”, also a work was done on the “Relationship between Foot Length Measurements and Body Height: A Prospective Regional Study among Adolescents in Central Region of Kosovo”. Despite the extensive scientific documentation on the estimation of stature from foot length globally, the record citing literature on stature estimation from direct foot length among adult Nigerians is sparse, especially in southeastern Nigeria ( Ekezie et al., 2014). Present study is, therefore, aimed at providing more data on the estimation of stature from the foot length in Enugu. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Several studies have been done on the estimationof stature from the foot length in many countries, Such reports however, are quite few in Nigeria in general and in southeastern Nigeria in particular. Therefore, this study is being conducted to add to the existing body of literature on the subject. 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. Can stature be estimated from foot length? 2. Is there sexual dimorphism in stature and foot length? 1.4 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS: Null hypothesis: Foot length cannot be used to estimate stature among students of University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). Alternate hypothesis: Foot length can be used to estimate stature among students of University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). 1.5 GENERAL OBJECTIVE To estimate stature from foot length among students of the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC) 1.6 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1. To measure the foot length of students in University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). 2. To estimate stature from foot length of students in the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). 3. To determine sexual dimorphism in the measured stature and foot lengths. 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: This study will provide data on the estimation of stature from foot length among students of the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). 1.8 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: This study involves estimation of stature from foot length measurements among 184 students of the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC) between the ages of 16-26 years.
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