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    The UN Base Convention considers health care waste as the second most dangerous wastes after nuclear wastes. (1) Heath care waste can cause serious harm if not managed properly. • Heath care waste incudes al the waste generated by al heath care establshments, heath research faclities, and heath-related aboratories. t also includes waste generated by home health care activities, such as diaysis, insuin injections, etc. (2) (3) (4) • Of the total amount of waste generated by health care activities, 75-80% are genera waste that is comparabe to domestic waste and the remaining 10-25% are considered hazardous and may pose environmental and health risks. (5) • Hazardous heath care waste is composed of sharps, infectous wastes, pathologica wastes (humantissues,organsorfluds),pharmaceutica wastes, cytotoxic wastes (waste containing drugs used for cancer treatment), chemical wastes, and radioactive wastes (4)

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