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Network Marketing is Better The best way to not only survive, but to thrive in The New Economy, is Network Marketing. There are important products and services in the world today that need to be promoted to the people who need them. Consumers still need to be educated. Companies have choices. They can dive into the ever fragmented world of advertising to get the word out, they can hire a large and expensive sales force to sell their products or services, or they can utilize Network Marketing to tell their story to the world. Most companies will soon dive into network marketing to make people tell the world about their products and you’ll be paid according to your performance. The truth is, Network Marketing isn’t perfect. It’s just BETTER, and that’s reality. Contents Introduction to Network Marketing Decide to go Pro Seven skills to become a Network Marketing Professional Skill 1: Finding Prospects Skill 2: Inviting Prospects to Understand your Products Or Opportunity Skill 3: Your Product or Opportunity to Your Prospects Skill 4: Following Up With Your Prospects Skill 5: Helping Your Prospects Become Customers or Distributors Skill 6 :Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right Skill 7: Promoting Events Anything Worthwhile Takes Time It’s All Worth It