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? ABSTRACT The 200W solar system installation is determined by load assessment, solar panel number determination, battery requirement and the inverter sizing. A complete solar panel rated at 200W will be purchased, together with two 150A solar battery, 1500W inverter and also 10A charge controller. These are to be combine together with important protective gadgets like cut out switches; to give the 200W that was expected. The solar panel will be mounted outside the building roof to allow maximum absorption of sun energy. It is expected that the system will help each house-hold, offices or any other places where the solar is installed to meet up with works and activities even when central power(AC OR DC SOURCE OF LIGHT) is not available. ? TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page……………………………………………………i Approval page………………………………………………ii Dedication………………………………………………….iii Acknowledgement………………………………………….iv Abstract……………………………………………………..v Table of content……………………………………………vi List of figures………………………………………………x List of tables……………………………………………….xi • CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION 1.1 Need for the project…………………………………1 1.3 Scope of study………………………………………...2 1.4 Definition of term…………………………………...2-3 • CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The basics of solar power system……………………..….6 2.2 Principle of solar panel…………………………………...72.2.1 Estimating system out…………………………………...8 2.2.2 Standard test conditions………………………………….8 2.2.3 Temperature……………………………………………...9 2.2.4 Dirt and dust……………………………………......….....9 2.2.5 Mismatch and wiring losses…………………..…........9-10 2.3 Solar charge controller…………………………...........11-12 2.4 Principle of inverter………………………………...…......13 2.4.1 Inverter sizing………………………………………........14 2.4.2 DC to AC conversion losses………………..……......14-15 2.5 Solar battery……………………………………..………...16 2.5.1 Temperature effect……………………………..…………17 2.5.2 Battery voltage………………………………...………....17 2.5.3 Battery power conversion efficiency……………...….…..18 2.5.4 Monitoring and maintenance…………………...……..18-19 • CHAPTER THREE: SYSTEM OPERATION 3.1 Block diagram of the system……………………………20 3.2 System operation with block diagram……………….21-22 • CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM DESIGN 4.1 A Typical load evaluation and power consumption table……23-24 4.1.1 Calculating power consumption…………………………..25 4.2 Battery sizing…………………………………………..26-27 4.3 A Typical solar panel sizing………………………….…….28 4.3.1 Typical PV electrical system type………………………….29 4.3.2 A Typical solar array worksheet…………………………..30 • CHAPTER FIVE:PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION 5.1 Procurement……………………………………………..31-32 5.2 Determination of sites……………………………………….........33 5.2.1 Mounting options………………………………………..34-35 5.1 Installation procedure……………………………………….36 • CHAPTER SIX:TEST AND RESULT 6.1 Typical Test and results Of The 200watt PV System………………………………………………………….37-38 • CHAPTER SEVEN: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 Conclusion………………………………..……………...39-40 7.2 Recommendation…………………………………………….41 7.3 Limitation…………………………………………................41 ? CHAPTE R ONE:INT RODUCTI ON 1.1 NEED FOR THE PROJECT The general objective of the system is to provide efficiency, steadiness in the use of power appliances, by ensuring continuous availability of power supply even in the absence of mains. Un-interrupt-ability of the system made it possible to eliminate all suspense from mains outage during the execution of an important and urgent activities, work or assignment as maybe required. For better production of the system, the system was operated at a fully charged condition of the battery. The project was rated 200W of 220V and 50Hz. It was expected that at this condition, it was favorable to carry load of the stipulated power. Loads of low power factors are not helpful since they produce spikes. Overloading is not potent to provide zero change over time and the inverter had LEDs which indicates mains failure and battery discharge and system fault. 1.1 SCOPE OF STUDY This solar power source makes it possible to provide a clean reliable supply of alternative electricity free of sags or surges which could be found in the line voltage frequency The solar power system (SPS) system will achieve this by direct current from solar panel and by rectifying the standard main supply, using the direct current to charge the batteries and to provide clean alternative power by passing the energy through a filter system. It has zero change over time and LEDs which indicates mains fail and battery discharge level and it gives 100% protection against line noise, spikes surges and audio frequency interference. 1.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Inverter unit: This a unit that converts a DC voltage into AC voltage with the help of the inverter unit. 2. Automatic Control Unit: This provides all the required control needed to meet up the objective of the whole system. 3. Battery Unit: This is a secondary cell unit, capable of storing enough DC voltage from either sun or AC main, of which is later converted to AC voltage.
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