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    ABSTRACT This essay assessed the Marx concept of the state and human nature. Karl Marx was revolting against the situation against the exploitative acts of the have, the have continually have and oppressed the have not. According to him when one is being oppressed he becomes dehumanized. To him the have not must not keep silence, they must act to overthrow the capitalist society and replace it with the socialist cum communist society. This brought about the end of history. According to him there are two ends of history Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. Two prominent philosophers influenced Karl Marx, "Hegel" and "Feuerbach" he borrowed thoughts from his two influencers and formed his own philosophy called Dialectic Materialism. In Hegel there's no stoppage from thesis to anti-thesis but to Marx it has stoppage which is communist. Pre-historic society was called communal society before the emergence of class, this means everything was jointly done and shared there was no reason for oppression. He was trying to extinguish the class trying to make the proletariat to step up against the snatching of surplus value. In a Communist Society you only get what you need. TABLE OF CONTENTS • ABSTRACT • INTRODUCTION • EXPLICATION OF TERMS • BIOGRAPHY SKETCH OF KARL MARX • AN OVERVIEW OF MARXIST PHILOSOPHY WITH EMPHASIS OF THE TWO TENETS • KARL MARX CONCEPT OF THE STATE AND HUMAN NATURE • CONCLUSION • WORKS CITED AN OVERVIEW OF MARXIST PHILOSOPHY WITH EMPHASIS OF THE TWO TENETS Marxist Philosophy is an attempt at the systematization of ideas of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels Hornby was more elaborate in his definition as he saw Marxism as the political and economic theories of Karl Marx which explains the changes and development in society as the result of opposition between the social dasses. Practically Marxism is a commitment to the exploited and oppressed class and to the revolution that should better their condition and that is what is refers to as proletarian revolution (they have not revolution). He made it clear that un like other philosophies before him that merely aims at interpreting the world thus; Philosophers interpreted the world in many ways what remains is to change it. In the opening sentence of his famous book called the communist manifesto Karl Marx opines that; The History of every hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. Basically, Marxist Philosophy also divided the classes into the exploited class known as the Bourgeois and Non-Bourgeois. The proletariat are the workers who owns the labour that keep the Bourgeois getting ever richer, these proletariat are made to receive little as wages compared to the labour they put in a situation which leads to what Karl Marx called "Alienation". Because the law of demand and supplies keeps going these leads to what Karl Marx called "Surplus value" which Bourgeois accumulate in the false of capital. According to Soccie Douglas, he describes surplus value as those who contribute the least and profit the more. In a senerio Marx and Engels posited that within the very system of capitalism and the exploitation of Bourgeois lays his own undoing, this is so because the workers exploitation, frustration, unhappiness will erupt in revolution after the revolution a new social order will emerge (communism) from which all class of production, distinction, private ownership of properties will disappear in this type of society.

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