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CONTENTS Introduction 1 Part One: Affiliate Marketing 101 Chapter 1: Affiliate Marketing Anonymous-Visitor-Marketing Attributes-of-a-Successful-Selling-Strategy Creating-a-Corporate-Image Differences-between-Marketing-and-Advertising 2 Part Two: Affiliate Marketing 102 Digital-Marketing Disadvantages-of-Using-Email-to-Sell Doing-Research-on-Marketing Global-Marketing How-to-make -a-marketing-campaign-appealing 3 Part Three: Affiliate Marketing 103 How-to-write-a-winning-sales-letter Increasing-Business-with-the-Help-of-Promotional-Gifts Marketing-and-Sales-What's-the-difference Marketing-and-selling-on-Internet Marketing-Management Marketing-Snail-Mail-vs-Email Marketing-Strategies Marketing-Through-E-mail-and-Issues-Surrounding-it Mobile-Marketing 4 Part Three: Affiliate Marketing 104 Multi-level-Marketing Recognizing-Target-Market Relationship-Marketing Selling-to-a-Woman-Vs.-Selling-to-a-Man Taming-customers-through-promotional-marketing Tricks-to-sell-your-product CHAPTER 1: AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate Marketing is a derivative of Internet marketing where the advertisement publisher gets paid for every customer or sales provided by him. Affiliate marketing is the basic for all other Internet marketing strategies. In this type of marketing, affiliate management companies, in-house affiliate managers and third party vendors are effectively utilized to use E-mail Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, RRS Capturing and Display Advertising for the success of the product. The web traffic can be traced with the help of a third party or own affiliate programs. A lot of work is involved in this process. At first marketing by this method involved lots of spamming, false advertising, trademark infringement, etc. But, after the invention of complex algorithms and advance security this has been regularized to make it safer for doing business and shopping online. This even led to the better scrutinizing of the terms and conditions by the merchants. Affiliate marketing became more profiting with the opening of more opportunities but at the same time it also increased the competition in marketing. Due to this pressure in house affiliate programs for merchants became a thing of the past and were replaced by out-sourced programs. The companies that offered this service have expert affiliate and network program managers who have various affiliate program management techniques. These affiliate networks have publishers associated with them who help them with the advertising part. Affiliate marketing was started by who had music oriented websites. They placed list of music albums on their site and they paid others if they put those links in their websites when a visitor bought their album through their site.
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