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Introducing How to Get 100 Followers a Day on Instagram. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about Instagram - seller of dreams, what and how to post, editing, using stock photography, frequency and tips and more ways to engage. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Instagram - Seller of Dreams 2 What and how to post 3 Using Stock photography 4 Frequency and Tips 5 More ways to engage Instagram – Seller of Dreams This report is split into two parts. First we’ll see how you can create a real movement by understanding what makes Instagram tick. Then we’ll get into the granular details – the tips and tricks that make any Instagram account grow faster. We’ll start with the big picture, then get down to the details. And speaking of big picture, that’s what Instagram is all about for business. It’s about selling a dream or a ‘value proposition’. Being very visual, Instagram lends itself to promoting feelings over figures – it shows people who are successful, who are happy, or who are very trendy. This in turn creates an instant visceral reaction in the viewer, who is socially motivated to want to do the same things and feel the same way. That’s why we follow aspirational accounts, and it’s why Instagram posts have the potential to influence moreso that anything you can accomplish on Twitter. Like they say: a picture is worth a thousand words! In fact, you could even go so far as to pin many a cultural movement on Instagram. Instagram is at least partially responsible for the selfie for instance – selfies are at least somewhat a way for teens and others to express themselves online and this has spilled out into countless other mediums. Some would go so far as to blame Instagram for creating a more narcissistic population. Likewise, Instagram can be held partially responsible for the entire ‘hipster’ movement. Hipsters are generally regarded as millennials who are very ‘self-aware’ (or self-conscious, depending on your point of view). They are people who are dissatisfied with many aspects of modern society, and who have as a result decided to be actively ‘different’ from those around them. They are less interested in making lots of money and wearing suits, and more interested in taking photos of beautiful sunsets, of their holiday destinations, and of plates of food. Instagram helped to facilitate this shift in focus by providing just the right tools. The simple filters that Instagram offer allow anyone to take a mundane moment from their life and make it look ‘beautiful’ or at the very least, artistic. In doing so, they alter our focus and find the beauty and the appeal in our lives. And to this day, Instagram is filled with hipsters taking photos of their food, or of glasses standing alone on tables. Then there are the photos of bullet journals, carefully placed on desks surrounded by coffee and potted plants. There are other corners of Instagram of course. There is a huge fitness community for example, filled with photos of people looking tanned and muscular while jogging down the beach. Travel is absolutely huge. Beauty and beauty products likewise have a big place. And fashion is perfectly suited to this visual medium. Art and photography do well on Instagram too. And there is a larger silver-surfer contingent than you might think, made up particularly of people who enjoy activities like hiking, bird spotting, sewing etc. Then there is the rather dubious concept of ‘stunting’ on Instagram. What is stunting? It’s the act of creating an account in order to portray a particular image, that actually isn’t authentic. Most often? It means looking extremely wealthy and successful. For example then, a stunter might post an image of their hand on the wheel of a Lamborghini, wearing a Rolex and with a wad of cash on the seat next to them. In reality though, they are testing the car at a show-room, the Rolex is a knock-off, and the cash is just $100 that they withdrew in small notes. Believe it or not, people actually make a living from stunting! This is the most concrete example of the ‘law of attraction’ in action. Fake it until you make it! If all this sounds surprising, the point is that we can do the precise same thing for our business. By posting about the lifestyle and using the filters and your photography in order to make it all look amazing and desirable, you can make an account that is highly persuasive and that will grow exponentially. Think of this as a movement, rather than just a corporate brand. It’s why companies like Apple are so successful – they speak to the creative side, the showy side, and the aspirational side of the buyer. That’s what Instagram will let you do.
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