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    *COME OUT OF THOSE DARK ROOMS!!!* *Escape from all that depression and hopelessness!*   *I was like you; always feeling discouraged each time I tried something and failed* *Mehn!!!! It's so frustrating!*   *But when I saw these quotes! I understood life!* *And I feel motivated* *And I decided that despite life's detours, I'll move on* I'll share just five of them 1. *Until you breathe your last, there is always opportunity* 2. *No matter what you do in life, you always end up disappointing someone. Make sure you don't disappoint yourself* 3. *When everything becomes difficult, when everything is going bad, always remember that even a turtle can finish a race as long as he never give up* 4. *It's always never too late. It's always never too early. You're right in time.* And many more!! Guess where I found them! In the book ???? *DAILY DRIVE: A Collection of 365 Daily Quotes* New day; New quote; New Motivation; New energy; New attempt at life;  If you'd like to get your copy, contact them *_@dewalemedia_*

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