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    Table of Contents   INTRODUCTION   CHAPTER ONE           What Causes Weight Gain? How does your weight affect your health?   CHAPTER TWO Different and Natural ways to loss weights   CHAPTER THREE Application to the natural remedy to weight loose   CHAPTER FOUR What to eat on healthy ground and what not to eat   CONCLUSION             INTRODUCTION   In this digital aged, we are being feed-up with so many information’s on how to keep our weight in check and how to get rid of excess and potentially unhealthy weight. In reality some are quite healthy, while some are seriously healthy risk with no positive results. We tend to overlook so many things that can go a long ways in ensuring good health and burning away the excess body fat. Herbs and natural plants are what we have taken for granted for a very long time. That is just the truth, and only the few people have been making use of these plants naturally. Losing weight focuses on excluding a lot of nutrients from your diet and this can bring about the nutritional deficiency of some essential components for the proper functioning of your body.  People become overweight today than ever before. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by eating fatty foods, taking undue stress, lack of exercising regularly and not resting well are the major causes for being overweight or obesity. There are a lot of information’s on the health issues it’s left under your control to choose the best out of many. However, there are several natural methods that have actually been proven to work.           Chapter One   What Causes Weight Gain?   At times, you may gain weight without increasing your food intake or decreasing your physical activities. This may either be periodic, rapid, or continuous. Periodic weight gain is characterized by fluctuations in your weight every now and then or periodically. This is often witnessed during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Rapid and unintentional weight gain is often a side effect of a few medications, and in most cases, this is harmless. Continuous weight gain is gaining weight over time due to varying actors like advancing age or overeating. Here are some additional factors that we thought is contributing to weight gain: Menstruation: Women experience water retention and bloating around the specific period of time of the month. This may also be accompanied by varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, which results in periodic weight gain. Hormonal Changes: When a woman enters menopause, there is a decrease in the estrogen hormone. This can result in weight gain around the abdominal region and the hips. Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women tend to put on extra weight as a result of the growing fetus and placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood supply and enlarged uterus. Fluid Retention: Fluid retention is also known as edema. It causes your limbs, hands, feet, face or abdomen to look swollen and results in weight gain. Medications: Certain medications like antipsychotic drugs, corticosteroids, antidepressants, birth control pills, and are known to cause weight 1.1 How does your weight affect your health? Sporting on weight not only makes your appearance but also increases your risk of developing major health problems. Those who are overweight are more likely to develop heart problems, strokes, diabetes, cancer and even depression.  

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