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    The tips on how to make money online are very simple and the first one is as follows:   1: You must be hard working. Some people think that making money online is as simple as ABC, but what they don't know is that it takes a lot of hard work    2: you must have a good capital to start:one or the problem with African people is that if you introduce them to a business online and it involves registering with money, they will cut them selves off from it . There is a saying that they use money to get money. So when starting a business online, I    You should not think about the money you will pay but how to raise the money and earn your profit   4: also when engaging in any online stuff you should make research to avoid being scammed., 75 percent of people looses much money online because they don't make research. What they are always thinking about is the huge profit they will make without making research   I will advise Yu to do all this things I have listed out if you want to make money online. Thanks ????

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